Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1561 - Halloween For Parents

Thought process while making this comic: "Hmm, this looks a little like I'm eating poop, not a Mounds bar." (pause to consider) "Ah, hark it, let's go with it."
Happy Halloween, everyone! Best holiday of the entire year. Make the most of it! My students already came to class this morning, the majority of them dressed up in labcoats and Red Sox hats. I'm glad we'll all be able to cherish that moment later in the semester when I fail them all.
And please, if dress up today using a costume inspired by one of the many costume suggestions listed here on STW, send me a picture? Thanks.
STW SHIRT SALE: Right now until next Monday, you can get free shipping on any STW shirt! Basically, it's a 20-25% discount! So if you had wanted to get some shirts for the holidays, this is a good chance to do so. Use the coupon code "SURVIVETHEHOLIDAYS" at checkout. Thanks for supporting the site!
Also, new shirt!