Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1565 - Political Ads

Man, wouldn't it be amazing if both sides, realizing that there can't possibly be any actual undecided voters at this point for the election at any level, just donated all their ad money to the Red Cross to help out victims of the storm? Or that the television networks, which have purposely created an election season that lasts almost two years at this point, and which have certainly gained enough money from political ad revenue by now, would just donate all the remaining funds to the Red Cross? Wouldn't it be nice to know that among all the nonstop terribleness and negativity that political ads showcase, wouldn't it be nice to actually stop them and represent something better about ourselves?
STW SHIRT SALE: From now until Monday, you can get free shipping on any STW shirt! Basically, it's a 20-25% discount! So if you had wanted to get some shirts for the holidays, this is a good chance to do so. Use the coupon code "SURVIVETHEHOLIDAYS" at checkout.
But please, if it comes down to getting a shirt or donating to the Red Cross, I hope you donate instead. Thanks.