Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1608 - Santa's Workshop

Considering we're only a few years from it happening, I hope you've got your explanation ready! After all, where can he go? The South Pole? Um, hello, there's already scientists working there. You think they're really going to just drop all their experiments for Santa to seize their land by emminent domain? Unlikely. Unless the scientists are just a facade for the relocation? Well, then. Very clever, Santa.
Of course, if you need a much more solid explanation for the existence of Santa, may I suggest my scientific proof of his existence? It uses physics, so you know it must be true! Or at least they make the lies less obvious.
STW FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Express shipping deadlines are now necessary in order to receive your goods in time for Christmas! So don't delay any longer!