Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1622 - New Year's Hope

2012 was a fantastic year for me personally - healthy new baby, fantastic new position, solid continued levels of good things elsewhere. It was a pretty good year for STW, too, I think! Hopefully this past year was great for you, too.
2013 will hopefully bring along more good things for everyone. As for STW, there seem to be some good things in the works - a visit to Texas for AggieCon at the very least, maybe finally putting that book collection together, maybe a new blackboard - and that's not even to mention (HERE'S YOUR BIG TEASE FOR 2013) the new serial comic that I'm putting together with Joan Cooke, that should debut sometime this upcoming year! (I cannot describe how much fun I'm having writing this thing.)
Anyway, there's no reason to stop looking upward, no matter what situation you're in. Nothing is worth it if there aren't better days ahead, even if you're having great times right now. May 2013 be your year, just like 2014 and every year after that will be too.
Thanks for a great year, kids. See you on the other side of the calendar.