Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1701 - Exam Stress (Bracket V)

This goes out with love and affection to the students of mine who will be shortly taking exams I wrote for them which will almost certainly cause them to despise me for a few days afterwards. In my defense, I'm not the one who freaked out and forgot second-grade math.
AGGIECON: If you will be able to make it to College Station this weekend, here are the panels that I am paneling on:
"Telling a Story With Science and Humor" on Friday, from 8-9PM
"The Demands of the Internet" on Saturday, from 6-7PM
"Why Science is Important" on Sunday, from 11AM-noon
The part-hopefully-good-stand-up, part-storytelling on Friday night is what I'm looking forward to in particular. As well as guest appearances at other events like the auction and other things, plus a table where I will have mini-books, pint glasses, prints, and hugs! Hope to see you there!
STW PRINTS: Seriously, Topatoco does such great work, and these look amazing, and you can get your own lesson written about whatever you want, it's crazy, I know!