Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1805 - The Engineer

I have seen so many pieces in just the last two weeks bemoaning the death of liberal arts, all of them seemingly written by someone with no real perspective of the sciences and engineering, all of them more or less belittling them as soulless and job-driven, all of them apparently viewing it as inconceivable that the sciences could be personally enjoyable and meaningful (all of which drove to me to quickly write this piece on education yesterday). So although I spent way too much time debating the structure above, I think it holds - liberal arts is certainly a part of any good scientist, providing that perspective and foot in the real world, reminding us why we are striving to develop understanding and improve the world. But when it comes to comparative levels of 'cool', it really is the "Heart" of Captain Engineer. Necessary, but potentially kind of lame.
Anyway: "Captain Engineer, he's our hero, going to bring those integrals down to zero." There's potential here, Saturday morning cartoons!
STW PAGE-A-DAY CALENDARS: Just about a week to go in the Kickstarter! Thank you for your support!