Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1943 - At Odds

Also, we both have thesauruses, apparently, which is kind of cool.
STW CALENDAR EVENT IN BOSTON: December 3rd, Northeastern University, 7 PM in 168 Snell EC. Comedy, Q+A, signings, and raptors. Come join us!
STW SHIRTS ON SALE: There are new Lobstermas shirts in the STW store, including baby onesies, and you can get them and all STW shirts on sale for 15% off with the coupon code "WITHLOVE", or you can get them shipped for free with the coupon code "SHIPLOVE". I don't know why Spreadshirt is offering multiple coupon codes right now, but hey, I'd be a jerk not to let you know about them, right? Both coupons are good until at least Friday!