Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1983 - End Of Another Year

If I knew anything about Dr. Who, I'd guess the above means Father Time is a Timelord? Please don't correct me, I'd really rather not know if I'm correct or not.
Goodbye, 2013! You were a pretty amazing year for me personally and for STW as well. I'm looking forward to whatever 2014 will bring (so that I can stand atop a vanquished Father Time once again). What does STW 2014 have in store that you, my fake students, have to look forward to? Well . . .
-a STW appearance at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle in March
-a STW meet-up in Indianapolis in June
-the return of livestreams (aiming for once a week!)
-a couple really exciting things to launch that I can't talk about yet
among many other things! Onwards we go!