Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #2491 - Anniversary (Belated), Part VII

And we're back! And, hey, two days ago, while we were on hiatus, STW turned 7! Hurray!
(Next year is the bronze anniversary, so I guess I have to go place third in the Olympics? Man, I hope I don't accidentally get second, that would really throw things off.)
Torpedo is doing well - and delightfully, my ChemE department announced to all the faculty and all the undergraduate students and all the graduate students that her name really is 'Torpedo'. I don't know how you can't appreciate that. It does make me wonder what the department just freely accepts or expects of me at this point . . . ? But Cannonball is delighted to have a sister and we're all happy. So life is good.
So I had five other STW comics pre-made before Torpedo was born - all somewhat reflecting on the ocean of estrogen that is now my home - and those will run through Sunday. After that, we have several guest-comics made by some truly wonderful artists and scientists to run for about a week, and then we'll run about a week of STW student presentations. (The deadline for submitting your own lesson has passed, but what the hell, send one along anyway if one comes to you in the near future.) And then paternity leave will be over and we'll be back to your regular schedule.
All in all, thanks for being great readers and kind people and having (hopefully) low concentrations of asshole. It's been an interesting 7 years of STW - who knows how many more are to come!