Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #2581 - Suggested Names: Bars, Part II

I would also consider "Don't Drink Twice About It" but that seems likely to send the wrong message financially? "Have Another Drink Coming" seems particularly solid, though!
CHRISTMAS CARDS: These squidmas cards will be available this year for you to send to all your friends and relatives and enemies - so don't be a chump, plan on sending these out!
PHD UNKNOWN: New page up!
CONS: I can now confirm that I will have a table at both Topatocon (in Easthampton, MA) as well as MICE (in Boston) this year! This is the first time I've ever done two cons in one year - and the first two cons I'll have done in New England! So I hope to run into you at one or another - please stop by and say hi if you get a chance!
CON SCHEDULE: Topatocon (September 26 and 27) - MICE (October 17 and 18)