Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #2590 - Big Question #12

First off -TOPATOCON starts tomorrow! I hope to see you there! My science talk/presentation with Maki Naro is at 1:30 tomorrow (Saturday), and I'll be around at my table for much of the day both Saturday and Sunday (table L2)!
THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: With that in mind, please cast your vote on this very important question!
LAST WEEK'S QUESTION: The results from last week's question are as follows:
7% - Living in the era of tall ships
15% - Living now
78% - Living in the era of space ships
Not entirely surprising, I guess?
All questions and final results for all Big Questions can be found on this page!
CON SCHEDULE: Topatocon (September 26 and 27) - MICE (October 17 and 18)