Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #2631 - Poster Sessions

Poster sessions, when you put your science and research on display, and people walk by to absorb your information on a passing glance and seemingly immediately spit your work back out at the same time. It's a good experience if people are interested in what you've done. If people aren't, it's highly unenjoyable.
What you're really asking yourself is, Dante, did you go to the major chemical engineering conference with mini-chalkboards in your bag and are making comics in front of major members of your field? . . . yes. Yes, I did.
If you're at AIChE this week, feel free to say hi if you see me / run into me - I'm presenting a talk on the science comics on Monday at 12:30 in the Alpine West room, wherever the hell that is. Plus I'll be around and about, and certainly at the Northeastern University reception on Tuesday night. Maybe I'll see you around!