Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #2833 - Life

Torpedo is one-year-old today! That's completely crazy that she's already a year old. Somebody is slowly speeding up the metronome of my perception and I am a little unhappy about it. Anyway, Torpedo can already drive a car on a first-grade-level and eats a comparative molar volume to me, and is just one hell of a happy kid. Happy birthday, Torpedo. Why am I typing this. You can't read yet.
TODAY'S TWO BONUS STW: For Kickstarter backers, here are your two new bonus STW comics! Enjoy!
STW KICKSTARTER: We need about 400 more backers in the next 20 days to make the calendars a reality! Check out the campaign and share it with your friends! Get cool rewards for your support! Thank you, everyone!