Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #2853 - Failure

So in the end, the second STW Kickstarter ended up only reaching just over 50% funded. Mind you, there were a lot of people who became backers, and we reached a pretty high pledge amount! We just didn't reach the goal. So we won't be printing the new page-a-days.
That being said - I am still planning on making a digital version of the calendars! And if they are made available, the overall cost would be cheaper to everyone as well. Anyone who pledges at least $1 a month through Patreon will get the digital calendar if we hit a lower target that will provide just enough to cover server and hosting costs and costs for paying the artists I collaborate with. So basically, if you help me break even around here, I'll make sure you get a daily digital calendar. And I would be extremely grateful.
I think there were a lot of elements at work with the Kickstarter - higher printing costs and shipping costs basically forced us to double our goal from the previous time, which had a huge impact - successful crowdfunding has a lot of basis in momentum, and the high but necessary goal really worked against us. I think the cultural digital shift has probably created less demand for printed calendars. I probably could have listed the costs differently, I could have built up interest leading in, I could have done the campaign during the college semester - there's a lot to think about. But I am extremely appreciative to everyone who offered their support!
So this was unsuccessful this time around, but doesn't feel like a complete failure. And that's thanks, as always, to you many wonderful readers. Thanks, friends.