Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #3000 - When Lost

This is an absurd number of comics. Thank you to all of you who have been such a part of this whole, long-standing whatever-this-is.
I started STW because I was bored and feeling anxious in grad school, and it's now led me to a strange level of minor notoriety, success as a professor, and my first grant to make comics for education. I owe all of you a readers a lot. And to the point . . .
I am very pleased to announce that I have been asked to make science comics for the quarterly scientific journal Chemical Engineering Education over the next year, and will have the first comic released in the spring issue next year. I am incredibly honored to be asked, and this is a really nice milestone for the comics work that I've been doing for 8.5 years now. Fingers crossed that this first year of work for CEE is just the beginning of a long, long collaboration.
None of this would be possible without STW, which in itself would not still be standing today without you. So thank you, all. So very, very much.