Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #3182 - Good Teaching

Today we had the going-away party for one of my colleagues at Northeastern, Paul DiMilla. Simply put, Paul is the best teacher that I have ever had the privilege to work with - deeply caring about the students, thoroughly organized, repeatedly revamping his material to continuously improve it, insightful in terms of best teaching practices, constantly working to establish and develop the best educational courses and programs. I'm not sure that Northeastern truly understands what it is losing when Prof. DiMilla leaves, just how many courses he has taught and curricula he has developed and teaching plans that are shared. There will be a long-lasting impact that will remain because of his efforts and achievements. There will also be a major loss with respect to all other impacts that he has not yet made. Paul will be sorely missed. I wish him the best of luck.