Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #3208 - Apples And So On

Has anyone ever considered these sayings in full? "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!" Well, sure, okay, some people are often very similar to the genetic sources of their being, but apples that try to grow right near another tree are likely going to be shadowed out by the tree above them and probably won't have enough root space, so good for you, apple, being so like the tree that will prevent you from being apple to grow into a tree of your own! Also, enjoy the bees.
"Chip off the old block" has similar problems. Yes, you're the same as the block you came from, BUT I AM A BLOCK WHILE YOU ARE BUT A MERE CHIP
Anyway, happy Fathers' Day to all the Dads and Dad-ish-es out there.