Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #3465 - Teaching

Things have been mostly good these past six years. Do you realize I've been an actual professor while doing this ridiculous stupid comic for almost six years now? It's a good thing no one with any authority ever goes on the internet to make sure I'm being professional.
Speaking of teaching and being professional, I'm very happy to share that I'm going to be the engineering consultant on the upcoming Crash Course video series on engineering on Youtube! Crash Course has done a ton of great series explaining chemistry, world history, philosophy - you name it - and the series on engineering this year will be based on a syllabus I'm helping put together. Very glad that I will not have to be on screen and very glad I'll be able to help contribute to broader understanding of engineering. Look forward to that starting to come out in a few months!