Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #3530 - Steady-State

It's funny how our understanding for what happens when we go changes over time - how our 'understanding' evolves based on influences from hope and faith and knowledge. Sometimes it's hard for me to reconcile my Catholic upbringing with my STEM knowledge. But I don't think faith and science necessarily have to cancel each other out, and I don't think they eliminate any meaning in this world and any hope for the next, whatever that next may be, even if it's just the lasting impression we have made in this world or the next form that our mass and energy goes on to take. And there's some comfort in that, I guess.
Thank you for the kind words over the past few days. theSwede's grandfather was a good and kind man and he will be missed.
STW is now back up and running through June 1st. 18 comics to go after this one.