Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Science Comic: Elements

I met Tyson Pease at MICE last year, and he asked me if I'd be willing to contribute to a large-scale art project at Waterfall Arts where they will be illustrating each element of the periodic table in some form or another. Of course, I can't draw, but I can write and plot out, so we were able to make these three element designs through the brilliant and terrific work of Beth Sparks! As part of Waterfall Arts' art exhibition about science comics (that will also display the Assumptions comic we put together), these three element 'comics' will be included. I'm incredibly happy with how they came out, and Beth and I are thinking about pursuing our collection here a little further.
Can I just say how much I love Beth's art? I'm incredibly fortunate to get to work with so many talented artists as part of the science comics research (you should see some of the portraits of women scientists that I have some students working on right now), but Beth was one of the first artists to come aboard this project and it's truly a pleasure to see what she makes, every single time.
Anyway, I'll be at the opening of the art exhibition tonight, so maybe I'll see you there!
You can see all the full science comics on my research site.
More science comics to come!