Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Student Presentation #15 - Teachers

Continuing the run of student presentations during my paternity leave, today's comic comes from Laura Matheny! Respect your teachers, boys and girls. Or they'll be forced to resort to their secret evil agenda. And you don't want to see it. Even though it involves platypi. Thanks, Laura!
TO HELP CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF MY DAUGHTER: On May 1st, next Tuesday, there'll be a sale in the STW store! All STW shirts will be 15% off with the coupon code "CANNONBALL". In all seriousness, your support helps keep the site going, so if there's a shirt design you like (or if you want the oh so fine labcoat Laura is showing off above), it really helps when you're able to contribute. So, sincerely, thanks for being great readers and thanks for helping to support the site.