Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Student Presentation #18 - Pastries

Paternity leave concludes with a student presentation from Donna and Daniel. Culinary themed! Delicious. Spay and neuter your pastries, everyone. Thanks, Donna and Daniel!
There were a bunch of other really great student presentations that were sent in - I have a feeling I may need to occasionally run a few of them over the next month or two, so you might see a few more appear from time to time. Meanwhile, I'm going to run many more good ones that were sent in on the Tumblr feed over the next few weeks for all to enjoy.
Thank you so much to everyone who contributed a presentation! It really was encouraging to see so many come in, and I look forward to running more on STW in the future. You kids are the best.
STW IN OTHER LOCATIONS: I'm taking over I Love Charts today. Your favorite STW charts will likely be on display, in case you care.