Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Student Work - Convection Comic

This past summer I had an idea to challenge my students to create material that could be used by other students to learn, such as by making comics. Literally within 30 minutes of that idea, I sat in on a presentation by Jenn Pascal of UConn who had been doing exactly that. At the very least, it confirmed that it would work. So this past semester, I gave my two sections of Transport II (heat and mass transfer) the assignment to write up exam problems, make videos, make experimental modules, or make comics that would help others learn. Many of them did a great job, and given the spring semester started today, I decided to share several of the student work with you this week on STW. (Any that I show you, students had given permission for their work to be freely disseminated.)
This comic about convection was written and drawn by Abdulrahman Al Mashaan and hopefully you learned something from reading it!