Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Guest Lecture #24 - Hallelujah The Hills

Hallelujah the Hills is the unofficial band of STW. I love their music - an eclectic rock blast of guitar and cello and trumpet - and have had several comics about them before. So it's a thrill for me to turn over the site to them for the entire week to mark the release of their new album.
Their third album comes out Tuesday - I've heard it, and it's really good. You can stream it for yourself todayand decide for yourself. The first song, "Get Me In A Room", really might be one of the best songs this year.
Their guest comics this week are all pretty remarkable, and I strongly recommend you check out their music! I truly believe the internet as a community only works if we make an effort to share great things with each other, and music is a really strong part of that commitment we make to community. So I hope you enjoy HTH and their music as much as I do, and at the very least, enjoy their great work you'll see on the site this week.